Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Pune was lashed by another very severe thunderstorm yesterday, the likes of which I have never seen in this city before - and rarely experienced in Goa. The topology of the city means that a heavy downpour quickly leads to rivers of muddy water gushing down the hills, channeled through the roads hemmed in by the deep dividers.

Took me two hours to get from office to home, with an hour or so at Mainland China waiting for the rains to subside. Unfortunately, I didn't have my Endy, and knee deep waters threatened to stall cars everywhere. We also got stuck in a pretty large developing grid lock, but were lucky to squeeze through it before everything came to a standstill.


Meghana. said...

Oh my God! That looks real scary! Was this a phone pic?

Siddhesh said...

Yes, scary alright. This picture though, is from the newspaper