Saturday, January 09, 2010

3 Idiots Again...

Well, one thing I don't like about 3 Idiots, and for that matter, another famous Aamir movie, RDB - the message!

What is 3 Idiots trying to say? Yes, there's the whole thing about making education about learning and not about training. But let's look deeper. One guy does a mess of his final year project, asks for extension, is refused, and ends up singing a soulful song about life being tough, and then hangs himself!

Another guy pees on his Dean's mailbox, gets caught drunk in class, is rusticated, and jumps off the window, wanting to give up his life.

Look at RDB - youth waking up against injustice. And how? By taking the law in their own hands, resorting to cold blooded planned murder of politicians?

Is this really right?

1 comment:

Akshar said...

Fully agree with your comments about 3 idiots. The message of the film is not worth taking.

I disagree with ur views on RDB, even after killing the minister they realized that it was mistake. They decide to owe it up. At least I would take that message from the film.