Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Movie Review: Burn After Reading

Yet another movie I missed in the theatres, but thankfully, caught up with on DVD last night.

Burn After Reading is a comedy, and a shocking tragedy, with an amazing script and some brilliant characterization. A decommissioned CIA agent is writing his memoirs, which his wife, under advice from her divorce attorney, copies along with other financial records from his computer. When the attorney's secretary loses the disk in the gym, it is picked up by two employees, who believe they have stumbled upon classified information that the Russians will die for, kicking off a sequence of events that quickly snowballs into an out of control crisis. In a world where everyone seems to be sleeping with someone else's spouse, things quickly get really complicated, finally leading to one killing, then another, then another...

The movie starts off slowly, but then really picks up towards the end leaving you stunned, and hungry for more... stay with the dialogues and the script, and you will thoroughly enjoy this one.

Oh, and yes, George Clooney fans, prepare for a bit of a disappointment, you hardly get to see his beautiful eyes and his naughty smile...

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