Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movie Review: 2012

The Mayans apparently skipped 2012 in their calendar - because that's when the planets will align with the sun in such a way that their combined gravitational pull will melt the core of the earth, as a result, letting the crust loose, which will result in terrible earthquakes, giant tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and a near-complete annihilation of the human race.

They were apparently right.

It's 2012, and the unthinkable has happened. Will the human race survive?

The movie has some of the most amazing special effects ever seen in a disaster movie, the visuals of the giant cracks gobbling up cities will leave you stunned with the detailing and the realism.

Interestingly, the person who first figures out what is happening is a young, smart astro-physicist from India, and gets his moment of glory and praise by the Americans too! And the place where the construction of the "Arks" happen is obviously, China! :)

However, the movie loses its sheen in the second half, stretching the story far beyond the tolerable, bringing in the typical American-with-a-sudden-attack-of-ethics-and-care-for-the-human-race, the countdown to disaster, and the last second save by the hero, the clapping and cheering, and there you go - the Americans have saved the world, one more time.

At almost 3 hours, the movie could have easily been a good target for the editor's scissors.

Go watch it for the first half... once the story moves to China, you can choose to leave and get some other work done, you wouldn't have missed much!


Anonymous said...

The movie fails to impress...Other than the special effects, it has nothing much to offer. The first half of the movie made me laugh actually, seeing how the hero n his family get lucky just so many times!

me ;) said...

Well, I'm an American and I know what you mean with that particular stereotype you made. I think that we each have to 'save' ourselves. I am the only one who can 'save' me even though others can help me to see more clearly if I'll just allow it...take responsibility for myself and quit blaming and draining others!

Man, what if we all do that?

Enjoyed reading your recent posts here!