Saturday, May 17, 2008

Movie Review: BhoothNath

Confused Nath. That would have been a more appropriate name for the two hour torture. I mean, what were you trying to do Mr. Director? Take a junky piece of story about ghosts and their mukti through shraddha, add a kid to it and sell it to the kids, then throw in some "not taking care of buddhe maa-baap" drama and sell it to the parents? Yes, you got SRK to do a cameo, and I admit he looks drop dead gorgeous, and you got some great shots in Goa - but why would I pay 200 bucks and 2 hours for that?

And by passing it up as a kid movie, what are you trying to teach them? That people die and become ghosts until they are muktified through a shraddha? I mean, hello... what are the damn censors doing allowing stuff like this to be passed on? Bikinis and kisses do no harm to kids these days, it's nonsense like this!

Parents, take my word for it - you are better off without exposing your kids to this Nath. And the rest of you, well, all I can say is I warned you!

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