Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Muslims for Pakistan...?

Must say it was pretty frustrating and upsetting to hear Shoaib Malik thanking all Muslims for their support to Pakistan after the match - this really is ridiculous! I guess Shoaib forgot that the man of the match was a Muslim, his brother was there too, and another prominent Muslim was out in the stands - and none of them were supporting Pakistan! When will the Pakistanis learn to distinguish between religion and nation, between fundamentalism and patriotism


Anonymous said...

It was surprising that the mainstream media ignored his response. It struck me as odd,the moment I heard it. Read all your blogs..good,hi-energy stuff. Here's a link to my blog where I write articles of my interest http://johngalts-gulch.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

That generalization (your last sentence) is uncalled for.

Siddhesh said...

You are right, and it wasn't meant to be a generalization against Pakistanis as a nation. I was referring to the Pakistani team here, and you are right, maybe I should have stuck to the captain!