Monday, May 21, 2007

Is Different Wrong?

Why is it that anything different from what we are used to is usually considered wrong? Is it about resistance to change, or is it that we have convinced ourselves that what we do is always right? Is this a mechanism for self-defence?

Does this not stop us from exploring other "truths"? Does it not stop us from getting better?

Would the world be what it is now if "foolish" people had not challenged what was "right"?


Siddhesh said...

And if you dared to agree to my post, why don't you try an Arab dress for a day? :)

Harsha Kumar said...

Anything different is not usually considered wrong. Anything different is usually doubted. It is Feared. Doubted because yes, you've seen things work out the "usual" way.. It is this fear that stops people from being different or causes them to oppose something different. Fear of Failure! Fear of something going wrong!
Ironically, the only way to succeed in a new venture is to take it up without any Fear!