Friday, January 26, 2007

Monkey, Two Clothed Cats and the Mouse-on-the-Laptop

That's what greeted us when we arrived in Nerul yesterday.

First the cats! They had an operation a week back to get rid of their reproductive capabilities, and had to be dressed up to prevent infection while the wounds healed. Sorry, but we had to do it after they both got raped in their cat-teens in quick succession giving birth to 3 kittens each leading to a population explosion of the feline kind leading to fears of them taking over Bhobe Estate and turning us into their pets for on-demand-purring-in-return-for-patting!

And the mouse! Check it out in the pic! Looks real? Well it should - it is!

And finally the monkey. On the roof, jumping and breaking tiles, this ancestor seems to have taken a sudden interest in having a closer look at some of his more innocent, feet-firmly-on-the-ground relatives!

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